Why Send Your Child To A Christian Youth Conference?
Gathering together to worship God and hear His Word is a key part of the Christian faith. Christians gather every Sunday for church, but gathering for large events can be a special treat. Even young people can enjoy this experience when they sign up for a youth conference. Youth conferences take place over several days, giving kids the opportunity to hear sermons, engage in worship, and talk to other Christians their age. [Read More]
Why Must We Suffer?
Life is hard. There are so many things that can go wrong each day, and even more if you factor in other people's mistakes. However, if you have Christian beliefs you may be able to find some solace. There are many Christian beliefs on why suffering is essential in the world, some of which may help you to find going through your trials a little bit easier. Here are a few Christian beliefs on suffering which hopefully will help you with whatever challenge you are going through: [Read More]
3 Steps For Your Biblical Journey
When you're lost and in need of a good word, the Bible has timeless wisdom that you can apply to so many life situations. There are many churches and denominations, and people all over the country and the world take different approaches and interpretations. You should dive deep into your Bible so that you can come away with your own understandings. Spiritual advisors and theologians can also assist you in understanding the many prophecies and blessings found in the book. [Read More]
Signs Of A Family Friendly Church
For many families, attending weekly church services and becoming part of a church community is very important. Thus, when a family moves to a new area, finding a new church is often a priority. When kids are involved, most people want to attend a family friendly church that has something for everyone of all ages. If your family is in need of a new church after a move, it is a good idea to take your time and explore your options to help ensure that you find a church where you feel comfortable and welcomed. [Read More]
Explaining Differences And The Relationship Among Transcendent, Metaphysical, And Supernatural
There are a few words in the English language that most people think are just synonyms for each other. While it could, inarguably, be true of some words, it is not entirely true of the words "metaphysical," "supernatural," and "transcendent." At first glance, these three words seem the same, but if you break down their meanings, each is very different from the next. It is this very idea that has fueled many Christian metaphysical blogs, transcendentalism blogs, and supernatural blogs. [Read More]
Tips for Using Akashic Records
Akashic records are your soul's records for everything that you have experienced. People who believe in Akashic records also believe that the soul has gone through multiple lifetimes, so the Akashic records contain more than one lifetime's worth of experiences. Some believe that Akashic records can be read and used to help people resolve their suffering. There are people who specialize in Akashic records that will send yours to you if you order them on the Internet. [Read More]
Move Over Social Media: Four Personal Ways To Promote Your Women's Bible Study Group
Does your church have a women's bible study group that never seems to consist of more than the same few ladies? If so, your church isn't alone. Ask any women's bible study leader what one of their greatest challenges is, and they will likely mention getting women to attend their study groups. A bible study group is often promoted through social media or on the church website. However, social media isn't for everyone, and not everyone checks the church website. [Read More]
Need New Books? Why You Should Visit A Used Bookstore
When you're looking to get your hands on some good reading material, it can be easy to think that the only way to go is to visit one of the larger, chain bookstores. However, instead of going to one of the more common bookstores, you may want to consider visiting a used bookstore. These hidden gems may have just the type of books that you've been looking for, but just never knew it. [Read More]